In the holiday.

In the holiday i watched end game and played fortnite. I played fortnite with my friend cookie we got victory royals on end game. he's my best friend because when i first started he gave me a free skin and i started fortnite in season eight.he gave me the galaxy skin so then i won't be a respected him and said that i will give him 20k V bucks i gave him his V bucks from my nan money card.Me and cookie met when we played a game of squads on fortnite season 8 then we got the battle pass we are now on tear 84 on his birth day i gave 10k V bucks because he turned ten.But in the holiday we saw end game so we played end game it showed us the story then we started off as thanos's children it chose a random person then turn in too thanos i turned into thanos so did cookie you don't really last long because all the avengers attack you all at ones.The next day i played with cookie we had a battle royal we both play on PS4 so he joined my party chat he left my lobby but i could still hear him so we went into creative he joined my world with his Friends and joined with my Friends we had a four VS four my friends vs his friends i started the game we all had mikes they joined the party chat because i gave them a invite we all died about 17 times i killed all of them but i only died like 12 times because it was only 5 minutes we got bored so then we played the default death run we made it up to level 99 it was prity hard so we left cookies mum told him that he had to come to his cousins birth day down i Auckland so he left i had one game squads and got the victory royal.
It is so great to see you interacting with friends through games and having lots of fun doing it. Maybe next time you could focus on just one moment in time, e.g. playing the game, and describing it in more detail.
ReplyDeleteWassup Hirini it is me Koda commenting on your blog. I absolutely love this post, it reminds me of the time i got Thanos on fortnite and killed roundabout 15 people (Good times). You have your D.L.O and lots of writing and it makes me feel like im there to! Maybe next time you should use your punctuation correctly. But on the bright side I hope your day is good and hope to see you around later PEACE. If you are wanting to see my blog my address is here:
Kind Regards Koda
Hi Hirini I'm Penaia I liked the way you described the game Fornite. I play Fornite too. You need to put the I's correctly you do lower case I's not capital. l