Lock down was very lonely for me cause there was nothing to do i would usually just play the game or my dad will take fishing.My first day back at school was soo different i thought that more of my friends came to school but they didn't.
I think that things at school are very weird and one thing i thought is mostly weird is that if anyone wanted to have a toilet then they would
have to ask our teacher and she gives us some toilet paper to wipe the seat i know that its weird and uncomfortable but i get why we have to wipe the seat. we have done some covid 19 stuff and coloring.We also did some patterns and we had miss print us a car and we had to do what a kind of friend you have for example say the roof of a car is a friend that keeps me warm.I
mostly enjoyed seeing my friends and im proud of my self cause im more accurate at my work and i also made a new friend and his name is bailey hiku. I really enjoyed school and im gonna have a great new year.

Oh I love that you are enjoying your time at school, but please remember that the hygiene things we are doing in school, although different, are to keep you safe. I have enjoyed watching you working and completing mahi and love that you found some interesting ways to compare friends to parts of a car. Keep up the great work!